Tom Peiffer
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Tom Peiffer

  • NICKNAME: Tom cat
  • BIRTHDAY: 07 April 1997
  • HOME: Vancouver, BC
  • DISCIPLINES: Freerideskiing
    • 3rd Hakuba FWT 19
    • 6th Overall FWT 19
    • 1st Overall FWQ 2018


I grew in Salt Lake City, UT. I've always lead a pretty sport intensive life, skiing was always one of them. I always looked up to my Dad, he was a ski patrol at Snowbird so that's how I got into skiing. I moved to Switzerland for a few years, I was still a racer at that time. Than I found myself in Vancouver and have been here, since than I started freeride skiing here. I also played competitive Rugby and Hockey growing up. I've always a passion for adventure, food, and travel. I love being outside. If I'm not doing any of the latter I am a huge Office nerd. I have two dogs at home, big animal fan.

What MOMENT do you ski for?

I can't isolate one moment specifically, but I ski for the moment when I take a look around and realize the beauty and magnitude of the mountains and the calmness of the nature surrounding me while I get to experience it with my friends. Or the moment when you feel weightless as you sink through the powder and youcanfeelitbreakonyourchestandface. Iskiforthemomentwhenyouarestandinginthestartgateon top of a line, the sheer adrenaline coursing through your veins, the unsureness yet the confidence that drives you, those last seconds before you here "Dropping in 3, 2, 1" and everything around you goes quite and it's just you and the mountain. I think there are so many moments that I experience everyday skiing that remind me why I do what I do, and why I will never stop doing it.

How do you recharge your batteries for the next challenge?

I make sure I have a big meal, food fixes everything! and a good sleep. I also try to be organized so the mind can be as relaxed as possible.

What's your favorite quote? Why does this quote resonate with you?

"Get comfortable with being uncomfortable" To push yourself you have to try new things and often have to be in situations that you are not familiar with, this is a good thing. If you are comfortable with where you are, you are not progressing and making changes.

How do you conquer difficult situations?

Overall it just comes down to hard work. Hard work trumps all.

What sacrifices have you had to make to get to where you are today and were they worth it?

Right now I'm in school, I wanna study and one day be a doctor. But the academic obligations attached to that are extremely consuming. I also want to be a professional skier, and pursuing that career has huge time obligations, so these two passions clash quite a bit to say the least.

How does your mindset (or attitude) influence your performance?

It plays a huge role in my performance and decision making when I'm skiing. I always try to make sure to have the things in my life exterior to skiing in check before competitions. It's super important to be in the right headspace when I'm skiing so that I can make the best decisions for safety and so I can have the best time possible. A+T+T+l+T+U+D+E 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5== 100%

What do you do when you aren't skiing?

In the summer I love spending time in the mountains hiking, trail running, and camping. I love getting out on the water for a paddle board with my dogs (who love it too!) to cool off. Time with friends and family is super important to me too. In the summer I work as a server at a high end seafood restaurant.

What strategy do you use to overcome pressure and stress for optimum performance?

When it comes to skiing, I make sure I've done my homework and put in the time to study lines or areas so that I can trust my knowledge. Than I make sure to remind myself to trust my body, and what it can handle. Lastly, I make sure to take a deep breathe and remind myself to just ski and have fun.