The never-ending story of the Lorati family
BackThis is the never-ending story of the Lorati family. We are pleased to tell it because of the imprint it has left and continues to leave on the snow. To us it seems unique, or almost. There are many families in the world of snow who have written the skiing encyclopedia.
From the Sertorelli to the Compagnoni, from Soldà to the Alverà and many others, but in the modern era, where everything is less legendary, these traditions are fading. The history of the Lorati Family is very different and not linked to the world of racing. But skiing is made up of many things, and the scent of passion it releases envelops the air of Ponte di Legno and its slopes.
The forefather Piero was one of the greatest National Instructors in the technical history of our skiing. Not many have participated in five Interski. Then there is his son Paolo, born in 1966 also an instructor, father of Alessandro, 23 years old and Pietro, 19 years old. Ale is a teacher and coach and is preparing to present himself at the next Master Instructors. Pietro is doing the masters course.

Despite being from Ponte di Legno, Piero’s father had very little to do with skiing. In other times, of course, when skiing was in its infancy, it was better to be in mechanics. And even though grandfather Lino was very passionate about boxing, Piero was immediately attracted to the snow.
In fact, he came to know alpine skiing later because he initially wore the jumper's clothes. In the village there was the legend Igino Rizzi, Olympian in jumping (St. Moritz 48). Here, even Piero began to jump with the madness that one had to have at the time, to devote himself to such an extreme sport. Then with the development of the station, he put on skis and boots.
It didn’t take long for him to acquire the degrees of National Instructor at a time when this category, under the direction of Hubert Fink, was more restricted and disciplined in its strict rules.

In addition to teaching, Piero came into contact with the Zanatta family, or with the Technical Shoe Factory. With a historical working group, directed by Edy Strickner, also an Instructor, he gave impetus to an extremely technical product. The boot of the masters, the instructors, the perfectionists of the curve. He spent whole days and nights testing, elaborating, creating, both in the company and in the home cellar.
If he had been an agonist, we would have referred to him as a competition animal. It would be more accurate to call him an animal of the slopes, even if he flew over the snow.
Perhaps that sense of knowing how to vibrate in the air acquired when he was a jumper, also accompanied him in the interpretation of skiing. Each curve, a caress. An absolute lightness that has ended up identifying an unparalleled interpretation of the curve.

Did he raise you in the snow?
As soon as he could, yes, but he wasn't often at home. Always around the world, ambassador of a technique that the whole world envied us.
You could only become a master too...
Inevitable, immediately after the races. And at 23 I was an instructor, so when he too was in full swing. I can’t deny that I would like Alessandro to become one in the same way and in a few years Pietro.
Have you ever demonstrated on the track with your dad?
He’s done five Interski, I’ve done three, but never together. He was present in '79 at Zao, Japan, when Emperor Hirohito appeared in the stands as guest of honour. 17 years later I went too. In Nozawa Onsen to be precise, guest of honour this time was his son Akihito! Really funny chance, first the fathers, then the children.

Who must prove that they are better than others...
A little yes. Well, I think it's normal. When you have a father like this, people expect to see their son skiing in the same way, or at a high level.
What is the most important piece of advice he has given you?
What I too, try to pass on to my children. You don't scream in the snow, you whisper. The snow is not violent, it caresses. There must never be aggression, because excessive force collides with the harmony of the gesture. Especially when you wear the clothes of the demonstrator.
I remember that before leaving for my first Interski, he said to me: "You always believe in what you are doing, whatever happens you have skiing in your DNA".
It also seems a bit of a silly thing, but I'll tell you, when I was there among other things, as the first Italian to go down, those simple words saved me on a psychological level. Because it wasn’t as if I was just calm and serene!

And has his gesture always been so perfect?
He has always damned his soul for that cursed inner arm that occasionally went too low. You won't believe it, but I have the exact same vice!
You also took another one, the report in Technique
What good vices we have right? On the other hand, when I was a boy and I devoted myself to many sports, he would often repeat to me: "If you eat sports, you will eat skis My relationship has changed and today is headed with Tecnica Group for Blizzard and Tecnica.
In this your children have broken the tradition...
They are still too young, and they have different stories, different times. Also, both of them got carried away with golf, another dominant family passion.
Why have you never been so attracted to competition?
As an athlete I was in the Fiamme d'oro (police) then I competed for several years in the Fis carving cup and finally in the master circuit where I won 3 master world titles, 9 medals between silver and bronze and 16 Italian master titles. Today I am the national master for the FISI.
I had my enjoyment but then it was also a matter of choice. Besides, none of us have that talent to make a difference.
But my father had prepared me: “I am almost certain, you too will live through sport, which however, is not just extreme competition. In skiing, very few succeed, but there are several other outlets, so don't just go to the gate because you hope to win the World Cup”. And it's the same thing that I said to my children: “If you plan to compete in ski races with the sole aim of becoming champions, know that you could have a bitter disappointment".

And here he is Alessandro…
Will you be able to find time to become the Instructor Master?
Of course yes, yes, that's something I absolutely want to do.
For the family tradition?
I like to see things all the way through. Then of course, there is tradition and it's nice to keep it alive.
Did your grandfather or father put you on skis?
Mostly my dad, grandfather when I was really little

However Piero, you could not live it to the full
I did some skiing with him as a child, But I remember his old-style skiing well. Obviously he criticised us a bit when he saw us making the folds. He always taught me fundamental things that I remember very well, even today.
For example?
That everything starts from the feet. He has always insisted on this. Then he always tried to convey some sensations to me more than anything else
And your father instead?
Him too. For example, at the end of the curve, feel the pressure of the big toe in the weight change. Or inhale as you enter the bend and release your breath as you exit to give more strength. Then the cleaning of movements. Never overdo it, but feel in harmony during the whole cornering phase.

The DNA of the Lorati family, a surname inevitably linked to Italian skiing and therefore not always easy to carry around...
This is true, but I experience it as a matter of pride. In short, we are talking about two generations who have done what they have done. So for me it is a starting point. Then it is normal that people always expect a little more from me.
Skiing and golf 50/50?
I couldn't tell you. Until a few years ago, I was totally devoted to snow and up to the age of 16 I always competed with good results at regional and Italian level. Thenaround the age of 15 I also turned towards the green, getting good results. Now I try to experience both sports with the same intensity. And the goals are tough. At the end of the year I hope to become a golf professional and then to pass as the Master Ski Instructor.
What does this latest recognition mean for you?
First of all, continue a family tradition. Then I believe that the Italian technique is the best in the world and being one of the performers is a source of further pride.
Will it be Pietro's fate too?
He was born in 2003 and is studying to become a teacher. For the moment he trains with me and my dad.